Euclidia NOW!
Towards A Resilient Cloud Infrastructure in Europe
29/09/2022 - 12:30-18:00 CET (Registration)
Comet Meetings, Place Stéphanie 20 1050 Brussels, Belgium
The European Cloud Industrial Alliance is inviting you to its inaugural "Euclidia NOW" event on September 29th in Brussels.
One of Euclidia's objectives is to raise awareness for European technology creators on the political and economic stage. We will discuss future technology challenges from sovereignty to artifical intelligence and competitiveness with political representatives, thought leaders and European technology creators.
Join us for an afternoon to define the future of cloud and telecommunication industries and the role European technology creators will play.
If you want to be a speaker, please write to:
Livestream on youtube
Networking buffet (12:30-13:45)
Introductory Words (13:45-14:00)
- Jean-Paul Smets - EUCLIDIA Co-President
- Philipp Reisner - EUCLIDIA Co-President
The European Commission Vision for competitive cloud markets and digital strategic Autonomy (14:00-14:30)
[video / slides]
- Pierre ChastanetHead of Unit Cloud & Software at the European Commission
Panel: European Cloud technologies for Artificial intelligence and Data Spaces (14:30-15:00)
- Keynote: Bolstering trust and competitiveness for the European AI industryJuha Heikkilä, Adviser for AI in the European Commission DG Communications Networks
- Gaël VaroquauxFrench AI and machine-learning expert - Author of sckit-learn
- Damian BoeselagerGerman MEP (Volt) - member of the former commission for AI in the Digital Age
- Stefano QuintarelliIT expert and former President of the Agenzia per l'Italia digitale
Panel: Anti-competitive practices in the cloud market (15:00-15:30)
- Philippe LatombeFrench MP (MODEM), Rapporteur on "Building national and European digital sovereignty
- Frank KarlitschekCEO Nextcloud
- Quentin Adam CEO Clever Cloud, Chair of the Open Internet Project and member of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud
Panel: Identifying and growing the next generation of innovative EU technology creators (15:30-16:00)
- Mikuláš PeksaCzech MEP (Pirate party), Chairman of the European Pirates
- Vincenzo TianiPartner at PANETTA Law firm; Programme & Dissemination Coordinator at the Brussels Privacy Hub (VUB)
- Pierre GronlierChief Technology Officer - GAIA-X AISBL
Pause (16:00-16:15)
Shorts: European cloud technologies, the enabler for innovation, competitiveness and strategic autonomy (16:15-17:00)
- Keynote: A Directory of European Cloud TechnologiesSven Franck, Libre Endowment Fund
Everything exists in Europe to...
- ... enable a third European way for digital and cloud : France may help !Catherine Morin-Desailly, French Senator (Union Centriste)
- ... promote the expansion of a multicloud "Made in Europe"Yann Lechelle, CEO Scaleway
- ... advance virtualisation, a key technology for the future and EuropeCharles Schulz, Chief Strategy Officer, Vates SAS
- ... have sovereign network routingAndreas Foglar, CEO InnoRoute
- ... build strategic autonomy based on open source/free softwareStéfane Fermigier, CEO Abilian
- ... provide open source hardware security modules for cloud securityJan Suhr, CEO Nitrokey
- ... foster the creation of a competitive open-source eco-systemPierre-Yves Gibello, CEO OW2
- ... build a European edge cloudThomas Gambier, Rapid.Space
- ... provide EU-based big data infrastructuresKlaus Wölfel, CEO Nexedi GmbH
Outlook: The third age of Cloud - to be built with existing European cloud technologies (17:00-17:30)
[video / slides]
- Tariq KrimEntrepreneur, digital Sovereignty pioneer
Debate: Everything exists in Europe, how should we use it? (17:30-18:00)
Photos: Mikuláš Peksa by Concus Cretus, Wikipedia, CC2.0